The leaves fall for you

autumn wundertisch 2018

It is officially fall since September 23rd but here in Switzerland it still feels like summer. Calendar-wise you know you should start getting autumn in your house but the bikini-kinda-life removes these thoughts. A little voice in me tells me there is still no need to get into the fairy pumpkin world. So I created my online pumpkin-free-summerish-autumn-wundertisch and for the ones who can’t resist these thoughts… sst…ok, bring on the pumpkins.

Fall is giving you your decoration. Go grape & apple picking, jump in your snuggly cardigans, put on your boots and go to the forest.  The leaves fall for you. The forest is giving you the branches with berries, acorns, chestnuts, beech nuts and so on and you can all bring them on your table. It wil create a calming palette of muted colors that will make your space feel relaxing.

So next week, when you feel the cold is catching you…go to the forest and collect all the beautiful items nature gives you in this season and decorate your table with your own fall creations. Bring the stunning fall goodness in your house. As autumn is perfect for gathering with friends around a well decorated cozy table.

Check my Pinterest for the sources of the beautiful ideas and pictures in my moodboards.

Need advice on your Fall Wundertisch or no time to do it yourself? Sst … I won’t tell anybody, just contact me and I will help you out!

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