āmeseginalehu means ‘thank you’ in Amharic. One word you’ll say the whole day as the people in Ethiopia are thankful and so are we for them!
We’ve moved to Old Airport in Addis Ababa two months (dec 2019) ago and days flew by. We are surrounded by beautiful people from all over the world who share their experiences to make our start in Addis Ababa relatively ‘easy’.
A new destination means a lot to our family:
Besides the new country and culture;
my husband has started his new job;
we have been ‘villa-glamping’ in our house, waiting for our container with our furniture from the Netherlands. We will never forget the kids sleeping on a matras which we have put on 12 beer crates and the bright striped duvet cover we borrowed from my husbands collegae. Think this duvet has been used by all expat of the beer company my husband works for;
we have experienced the health care system in week 1, both my oldest daughter and me had to visit the private MC with adequate good care;
we have met lovely people helping us with finding staff, grocery shopping, construction work in the house and getting our sports- and social life starting;
we have rescued two lovely dogs from the street, named Addis and Ababa, and got a turtle named Daisy;
and … last but not least … the fab start of the new schools (ICS and the Dutch school ‘De Taaltoekel’) for our two daughters with all their new friends who warmly welcomed our kids in this new environment!
Yeah let’s start this new adventure and ‘āmeseginalehu’ to all of you for helping us these first two months in Addis Ababa!