Recipes that suit Addis grocery shopping

Veggie Market Addis Ababa

Shopping in Addis is quit a challenge and time consuming. Every week there are new products found and some items just disappear during the day. There are a lot of little market shops on the street for fruits and some basics, but as a western family, we mostly shop in supermarkets where they also sell some ‘western/ international’ products.

To give you a little insight:

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āmeseginalehu means ‘thank you’ in Amharic. One word you’ll say the whole day as the people in Ethiopia are thankful and so are we for them!

We’ve moved to Old Airport in Addis Ababa two months (dec 2019) ago and days flew by. We are surrounded by beautiful people from all over the world who share their experiences to make our start in Addis Ababa relatively ‘easy’.

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